The African American community is benefiting thanks to President Trump’s leadership and the booming economy.   

  • Under the Trump Administration, African American unemployment has reached record lows.

    • In August, African American unemployment hit a record low of 5.5%.

    • The African American unemployment rate has been at or below 7% for 18 consecutive months.

      • Prior to the Trump Administration, African American unemployment rate never dipped below 7%.

  • 753,000 new jobs have been created for African Americans.

  • The poverty rate among African Americans is at its lowest level in history.

    • During the President’s first year in office, the African American poverty rate fell to 21.2% down from 22% the year before.

    • In 2016, 241,000 more African Americans were living in poverty.

  • As a result of the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones were created in all 50 states, DC, and 5 territories. Opportunity Zones will spur $100 billion in private capital investment and impact 1.4 million minority households.

  • President Trump signed the historic FIRST STEP Act into law on December 21, 2018.

    • The FIRST STEP ACT has been widely hailed as the most meaningful criminal justice reform in a generation.

    • This landmark legislation included necessary reforms to our justice system, improves our prison system, and prepares inmates for reentry in our communities.

  • The Trump Administration has fought for a federal tax credit on donations that fund scholarships to private schools, a proposal supported by 64% of African Americans.

  • President Trump has made Historically Black Colleges and Universities a priority, including appropriating more money to HBCUs in one year than any other president and establishing a Presidential Board of Advisors on HBCUs.