Precinct Caucus
March 3rd, 2022 at 5 pm
Eagle County Building (500 Broadway Street, Eagle, CO)
This is the grassroots meeting for Eagle County Republicans.
Voters that are registered to vote as republicans who attend a precinct caucus for the Republican Party will make two important choices.
First, attendees will elect Precinct Committee Persons (PCP). These volunteers will represent the party in each precinct, serve on the County Party Central Committee, help get out the vote for party candidates, and assist with planning the next caucus.
The role of Precinct Committee Person (PCP) is at the core of political party activity; it’s our ground game. As a PCP, you are a representative of the Eagle County Republican Party in your precinct or neighborhood. Elections are truly won or lost in precincts, especially in Eagle County, and PCPs are vital to ensuring strong Republican support for Republican candidates and issues.
Attendees to the precinct caucus will also choose delegates to the Eagle County Republican Party’s County Assembly. Where the delegates will nominate candidates to the ballot and approve the local party’s platform.
Eagle County Republicans are holding the Precinct Caucus on March 3rd, check-in begins at 5 pm and Caucus will begin promptly at 6 pm. Plan on being there around 5 pm since you must be checked in to participate in Caucus.
Two locations:
Eagle, CO
Eagle County Building
500 Broadway St., Eagle, CO 81631
(Get Directions)
Basalt, CO
Basalt Elementary School
151 Cottonwood Dr., Basalt, CO 81621
(Get Directions)
Pre-register for Caucus at
Eagle County Republican Party 970-376-5100 or
Colorado Republican Party, 303-758-3333 or