Call for Volunteers - 2020 Vail America Days Exhibit
We are looking forward to our only summer event on the Fourth of July. We are preparing for the Vail America Days 2020 with a theme of “Stronger Together”. We will need a lot of volunteers for this event.
Our purpose is to let people know more about the Eagle County GOP. The event will include a ball throw for the kids with a small prize for all. Also using the ”Stronger Together” theme, we will be placing stick figures on a map of America to show their home city.
Volunteers are required to wear masks. In addition, anyone touching the kid's games will be using a pair of gloves as they sanitize the balls between use and hand the ball back to the kid.
Our Republican candidates for County Commissioner, Jennifer Woolley and Tom Crisofulli, will be there to meet and greet. We will also need volunteers to help sign up people for the Eagle GOP email/volunteer list and to discuss our local issues such as the Vote on National Popular Vote.
Saturday Fourth of July in Vail:
7:30a – 10:00a Set-up 6 volunteers
10:00a - 12:00p Exhibit 6 volunteers
12:00p - 2:00p Exhibit 6 volunteers
2:00p - 4:00p Exhibit 6 volunteers
4:00p - 6:00p Exhibit plus take-down 6 volunteers
We would appreciate if everyone can consider wearing a white T-shirt, polo shirt, or dress shirt.
Our exhibit location is unknown at this time, but will be determined no later than Monday. Parking will be available in either of the Vail parking structures at no cost.
Please reply to this email to express your interest in helping with this event. All volunteers are welcome, just let us know what hours may work for you.
We are looking forward to a fun and safe Fourth of July!
For more information regarding the 2020 Vail America Days visit: