Eagle County Republican Party

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Call to Action!

Once Every 10 Years We Need Your Help!

It so happens that 7/23 is the date and the stakes couldn’t be higher!

As you may or may not know, the initial redistricting maps have been drawn and submitted for public review.

These maps include new outlines for Congressional Districts, State Senate Districts, and State House of Representative Districts.

Per Colorado law, the public is invited to make comments and suggestions pertaining to the current proposals. Much weight is given to public input. For that reason, we took buses to the hearings in 2010 and were successful in having 2/3 of Eagle County moved into the conservative 3rd CD with only 1/3 remaining in the very liberal 2nd CD. Keep in mind that CD2 is totally dominated by Boulder.

The proposals this time have Eagle County moved completely into the 3rd (where Lauren Boebert is currently our rep). The problem is that the Dems are not happy about this new map as it will create a district that is more conservative than it has been in the last 10 yrs. Clearly, that does not meet their goal of picking up that seat with a Dem in the 2022 elections.

The proposal that the Dems have made is that the northern most counties in the current proposal be moved back into CD2 with Boulder - something that we fought hard to get out of.

So, here is the problem. As with most issues, the side that is against something shows up in droves to plead their case and those that are happy with whatever the proposal is, stay home. In this situation, the Dems have been filling the room during the appeals process to request that Eagle County and a few others be returned to CD2 (once again under the control of Boulder). If they succeed, it means that they can then move some of the more liberal counties into CD3 to fill the quota (roughly 700,000 people) with the result of a more liberal district.

Bottom line – we need to fight this as we did in 2010.

This afternoon, I got a call from the executive director of the Colorado GOP. He asked us to please attend the hearings in our area and speak in support of the current maps representing the new CD3. We will absolutely do that - the question is: How many of you will join us? It is imperative that we fill that room to show the Redistricting Committee how strongly we support the current proposed map and how vehemently opposed we are to the Dems suggested changes.

I have asked Max to start looking into a vehicle to rent to take us all to the meeting in Steamboat at 7pm on Friday, July 23. If we have enough people, we will take a bus; a smaller number will fit in a van. If you have any suggestions for transportation, please call him at 970-390-6688.

Keep in mind, the lines they drew the last 10 years. So, if you want to be represented by Kerry Donovan or someone equally egregious, stay home. But if you value the conservative values of the western slope, you must help us in this effort. It’s really not too much to ask for once every 10 years. Besides, it will be fun.

The 2nd hearing in our area is Saturday, 7/31, 7pm in Frisco which we will also attend but I have been told that Steamboat expects a huge turnout and is the more important. Just an FYI. at the hearing last week, we were outnumbered 35:1. We can’t let that happen again.

Please call Max or me to reserve a space so we can start looking for an appropriate vehicle.


Kaye Ferry
