Eagle County Republican Party

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HR1 — The Democrat Protection Act

HR1 — “For the People Act”…

For the People—what a joke.

H.R.1 is the proposed bill that will change elections forever in the US—and not for the good.

It is sweeping legislation that intends to create national standards for elections in clear violation of what has historically and constitutionally been the right of individual states to administer.

Here is Mike Pence’s perspective on this legislation and here’s what you can do to try and stop the insanity.

Call our State Senators. You don’t have to say much because their aides simply tally the pros and cons- it’ll only take a minute.

Just tell them to tell the Senator to vote NO on H.R.1

If interested, you can call other Senators too. We need to put pressure on if we want election integrity.

Contact Michael Bennet here »

Phone: 202-224-5852 

Contact John Hickenlooper here »

Phone: 202-224-5941

For complete text, click here:


Kaye Ferry

Eagle County Republican Party Chair

(970) 376-5100
