Petition: Save Our Elections

While you were sleeping on Wednesday night, Democrats in Congress were busy undermining the security of our nation’s elections.

Pelosi’s House voted to pass H.R. 1, which hands control over our elections here in Colorado to elitist D.C. politicians.

This radical legislation would get rid of all voter ID laws, create automatic online voter registration, force states to expand early voting, and give Biden’s FEC and IRS the power to target conservatives.

The 50-50 Senate is our only hope of stopping H.R. 1 -- so we’re circulating this petition to demand Senators vote it down and preserve the integrity of our elections.

Please add your name to our Official Petition to tell Senators to STRIKE DOWN H.R. 1 and protect our elections.


It’s sad that this is the reality of the Democrats’ agenda in Congress. Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy.

We should be doing everything we can to ensure the 2022 elections are secure -- not removing all the safeguards that states have implemented and federalizing control over elections.

It’s time to make our voices heard and show the Senate how the people of Colorado truly feel about this dangerous legislation.

So please, add your name to our Official Petition to tell Senators to STRIKE DOWN H.R. 1 and protect our elections.


Capitolism Wins


Unleash Prosperity Hotline - Weekend Edition