Eagle County Republican Party

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Statement on Capitol Protests

On behalf of the Eagle County Republican party, I would like to express our horror of things that occurred in Washington DC on Wednesday.

The activities of what was supposed to be a peaceful protest turned in to something much different. And while President Trump encouraged a protest against the election results, I am quite confident that he was as shocked as the rest of us at the violence that resulted.

This is a very difficult time for everyone. What happened was completely in opposition to our basic principles as human beings, as Americans and as Republicans.

Going forward we need to work very hard to ensure that we continue to represent the Republican party in a thoughtful and positive way and continue to work towards living our values and supporting Republican principles.

Make no mistake- what happened yesterday in Washington DC is unacceptable. Violence and taking things into your own hands is not the way to resolve our issues. That behavior is to be condemned in no uncertain terms. But it’s also important to remember, this is not the end of the Republican party.

So, take a deep breath, keep your head high and pray for this country. This too shall pass.

Kaye Ferry

Eagle County Republican Party Chair