Eagle County Republican Party

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What Is Caucus Part 4

The final steps in an off-year election cycle are the District and State Assemblies.

Delegates and Alternates elected at the Eagle County Assembly on March 24 will travel to the Front Range for these very important meetings.

On April 8, all District Assemblies will meet. Those affecting Eagle County are Congressional Districts 2 and 3, Senate District 5 and 8, and House District 26 and 57 and they will meet at the DoubleTree Hotel, 1775 East Cheyenne Mountain Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 to elect the candidates who represent their respective districts on the Republican Primary ballots on June 28, 2022. Judicial District 5 does not have an election this year and therefore will not meet.

Any candidate receiving 70% of the vote of the Delegates will be the only candidate to move forward to the ballot through the Assembly. In the absence of that, those candidates who receive more than 30% of the vote will automatically appear on the primary ballot, those who receive less than 10% will not, and those who receive between 10% and 30% may appear on the primary ballot if they petition on to the ballot by collecting signatures.

Candidates can also choose to access the ballot through petition only, skipping the Assemblies altogether, thereby automatically securing a spot if they meet the petition qualifications.

On April 9, the State Assembly will also be held at the World Arena, 3185 Venetucci Blvd., Colorado Springs Candidates there will also have the option of accessing the primary ballot via the Assembly process or by petition. 

Candidates vying to represent the Republican Party on the June 28 primary ballot will begin the process for the offices of US Senate, Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of State and CU Regent, State Board of Education.

Also under consideration will be Resolutions that have been forwarded by the 64 counties during their County Assembly process. Voting will result in those Resolutions that will be sent on to the RNC for possible inclusion in the National Platform.

So there you have it.  In a Presidential election year, the process culminates with a meeting of the RNC at a national convention. In those years, Delegates and Alternates are chosen at the State Assembly to go to the National Convention.

For anyone who has never participated in the election process from the grassroots up, you have missed a great opportunity to witness the Democratic process at its most basic levels.  I had the distinct honor and pleasure of being elected all the way through as a Romney Delegate, attending the Tampa convention in 2012. It’s an inspiration to be involved in the very heart of America Democracy and I would urge everyone to participate whenever they can.

It's a very special, rewarding, and inciteful experience that really brings home how our democracy works. It’s sometimes messy. It’s often confusing. It requires passion, compromise, and commitment. But one thing we always must remember is -it’s worth it.

Why? Because it works, in spite of the chaos and banter and frustration- it works. What is even more mindboggling is that the original documents- created so long ago- have steered us through ups and downs and ins and outs and have been unfailing in their ability to continue to make us the greatest country in the world. We should be proud of that. We should work hard to maintain that. We should remember that people have died for the privileges we enjoy. And we should -must- do our part to secure those values for generations to come.

For questions, contact kaye@kayeferry.com or call 970-376-5100.