Eagle County Republican Party

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House Bill 21-1232


The state government would design a health care plan, then require insurers of small groups and individual policies to offer that plan as a condition of doing business in Colorado. Providers also would be required to reduce their costs by 20% or whatever percentage finally makes it into the bill (it has been changed a few times). There is no analysis of the actual costs of providing care that supports that arbitrary figure. It appeared from thin air. When it proves impossible to offer the required plans at the mandated prices, the state would create its own medical plan, subsidized by taxpayers. 


Do programs designed by state bureaucrats usually operate efficiently and under budget? 

Can state bureaucrats, who haven’t run any health care plans themselves, design a plan that won’t generate losses, driving health plans out of business? 

Will you be better off than you are today when private providers can’t stay in business under this legislation, forcing the creation of government-run health care? 

Do you trust bureaucrats to promote personal choice in health care providers, or do you suspect they seek to force everyone onto one plan controlled by the government? 

Why would the citizens want this plan today, when they rejected a similar ballot issue (amendment 69) five years ago four to one? 

When the government becomes the only source for health care, do you trust the system to offer the care you need when you need it? Think about the long waiting times in the U.K. and Canada. 

Do you believe Colorado can make this scheme work for the people when similar schemes failed in other states like Vermont and Washington? 

View this Bad Bill here.
