Eagle County Republicans Elect Officers

Eagle County Republicans held their election of officers on Feb.13, 2021, by zoom.

With seven seats up for election, Kaye Ferry was once again elected as chairman, Max Schmidt as first vice chair, Susie Huxford second vice chair, Jeanne Alexander third vice-chair, and Greg Bush fourth vice-chair, Tony Martinez fifth vice-chair, and Jennifer Woolley as secretary. All of these individuals will serve two-year terms.

District Captains were appointed and they are Nancy Reed, Nicki Mills, Tom Henderson, Michael Dunahay, and Michael Kaddatz.

“Once again, it is an honor to be elected as chair of our local Republican party,” said Kaye Ferry. This is just the beginning of a long process. In odd-numbered years, by state requirement, all districts are required to elect officers for their Central Committees. The process begins at the county level and moves on to the other district offices and finally to the officers for the Colorado Republican Committee.

On March 27, the officers for Eagle County will participate in electing state party officers and executive committee members as well as officers for the districts of which we are a part, which include Congressional District 2, Congressional District 3, Senate District 5, House District 26 and Judicial District 5.

Additionally, any changes to the bylaws can be presented and voted on at these various organization meetings.

These functions are performed and closely structured by state regulations. They form the basis of the Colorado political process in preparation for elections on the state and national levels that occur in even-numbered years.

Once in place, all of these districts will have specific responsibilities centered around finding qualified candidates for office, providing the necessary support to get them on the ballot with the ultimate goal of getting them elected.

Part of the glitch this year is that elections will be held without knowing which districts the counties will be in following the redistricting process. That means the process will be repeated again in the late Fall.

“Going into an election cycle puts even greater emphasis on the need for a strong organization with experienced leaders in place. Fortunately, most of our team has worked well together in the past and we look forward to working with our 2 new additions” replied Ferry when asked about these election results. “


I Used To Be Antifa


Discussion with Jon Caldera, President, Independence Institute