Marshall Dawson: I will reform Congress and reduce spending if elected

When former President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his 1936 re-nomination acceptance speech, he spoke of forgiveness for a government acting with good intentions: “Governments can err, Presidents do make mistakes… Better the occasional faults of a Government that lives in a spirit of charity than the consistent omissions of a Government frozen in the ice of its own indifference.” In other words, Americans should feel comforted that their government is compassionate despite its failings. President Joe Biden and U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse are continuing FDR’s policies of promoting stated good intentions over results.

Although Joe and Joe claim good intentions, their actions are harming Coloradans. Colorado’s residents are experiencing some of the highest inflation rates in the nation, now at 9.1%. Deaths from synthetic opioid overdoses are more than seven times higher than when Neguse took office, and jumping 39% between 2020 and 2021. While Congress enthusiastically spent $54 billion for Ukraine, school violence protection programs for America’s children remained grossly underfunded.

Coloradans have endured a year and a half of soaring food and gas prices, humiliating domestic and international decision-making and absent congressional leadership. Coloradans are growing impatient with the 24/7 celebrity politics news cycle, the culture war grandstanding and unfulfilled promises made by ambitious politicians. The same failed ideas just don’t cut it anymore. Colorado needs active, thoughtful, and decisive leadership now.

This is why I am running for Congress. Government doesn’t have to be dysfunctional. Congress doesn’t have to be ineffectual. And most of all, America doesn’t need to decline into a second-rate country bogged down by bureaucracy, crime and violence and endless spending. I am running to hold Biden and Neguse answerable for their harmful actions; actions masquerading as good intentions.

Together, we can save the dream of an America that actively promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s time to regain our peace, power, and prosperity. Here are a few ideas how:

Priority No. 1: Peace by ensuring domestic peace and tranquility for America’s children. 

Congress has funded various programs to prevent school violence. While these do good work, they are inadequately funded. Congress should care as much about safeguarding America’s children from domestic threats as it does for funding the security of foreign countries.

For example, the STOP School Violence Act has funded school violence prevention programs up to $125 million in 2022. If each state was provided equal funding, Colorado would receive $2,500,000 in funding for our 1,972 schools. This would provide only $1,270 for each school to enhance its security, provide training and implement evidence-based threat assessments. This is unreasonable and will do little to protect our children from the threat of school violence.

Priority No. 2: Power back to the people by reforming Congress.

If elected to serve as your representative, I will work with both Democrats and Republicans to pass the REINS Act. The REINS Act will require that all regulatory actions, having a $100M effect on the economy, be reviewed and voted on by Congress. Federal agencies currently enact regulations without the approval of Congress, the representatives of the people. The REINS Act will ensure that potentially onerous regulations put your representative on record, for or against, regarding policies affecting you. Citizens have more power when Congress holds onto its legislating authority.

Priority No. 3: Prosperity by unleashing the American spirit.

Record Congressional spending — and Biden’s ideological war on energy production — have caused the worst inflation crisis since 1980. Congress needs to dramatically reduce spending while entrusting Americans to create value through technology and entrepreneurship. For example, Congress should immediately reduce self-employment taxes. As many Americans are leaving their jobs to start their own businesses, it is vital that Congress inspires, not curtails, the American entrepreneurial spirit.

Original article via Summit Daily


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