Eagle County Republican Party

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Organizational Meeting Rules and Information February 13, 2021


  • February 13, 2021

  • Check-in begins at 12:00pm

  • No check-in allowed after 1:00pm

  • Meeting begins promptly at 1:00pm

  • Checkin early to allow time for any issues you may have

  • Rules and Agenda below

  • Zoom Information below


  • Chair

    • Pamela Chapman

    • Kaye Ferry

  • 1st Vice Chair

    • Max Schmidt

    • William "Bill" Douglas

  • Vice Chair 2-4

    • Jeanne Alexander

    • Susanne "Sussie" Huxford

    • Greg Bush

    • Max Schmidt (if he loses 1st vice chair)

  • Vice Chair 5 - Financial

    • Tony Martinez

  • Secretary

    • Jennifer Woolley

Electronic Voting

  • Only members of the Eagle County Central Committee are eligable to vote

  • PCP, DC, Elected Officials residing in Eagle County and Executive Committee

  • Ballots emailed to eligible voters thoughout the meeting

  • From Address = "ECRCC Oragnizational Meeting"

  • Ballots will have a time limit for return within the meeting


  • Be prepared to look in your junk/spam folder

  • It may be easier for you to Zoom on your computer and vote via your smart phone

  • If you are unable to attend the meeting via zoom or vote electronically for technical reasons, please contact Jennifer Woolley at Secretary@eagelgop.com or (970)445-7456

Rules and Agenda



The Committee on Rules and Order of Business appointed for the purpose of determining the rules to govern the conduct of the Organizational Meeting of the County Republican Central Committee has met and reports the following Rules and Order of Business:


The following Rules shall apply and govern the proceedings of the Eagle County Organizational Meeting:

1. WHO MAY SPEAK. Except as otherwise specified in these Rules, only properly credentialed members of the County Central Committee may address the County Central Committee, unless permission is otherwise granted by the Chair. The Chair may mute nonmembers who try to interrupt or disrupt the meeting. The Chair may mute members, who repeatedly breach the rules, subject to appeal.

2. MATTERS GERMANE TO THE MEETING. Except as otherwise provided for in these Rules, credentialed members shall be recognized and may speak on matters germane to the business of the Organizational Meeting.

3. IDENTIFICATION OF SPEAKERS. Any member or other person wishing to be recognized shall address the Chair and when recognized, shall state his/her name, precinct number or district, and the purpose for which he/she intends to address the Central Committee.

4. PRESENTATIONS AND CANDIDATE SPEECHES. Candidates for the office of County Chairman, County Vice-Chairmen, County Secretary shall each be allowed a maximum of four (4) minutes for the purpose of a candidate presentation, any seconds, and speeches or demonstrations in support of candidacy for office. A second is not required; however, any person may be recognized for the purpose of a second or speech in support of such candidate within the time limit specified in this Rule.


a. Balloting for the election of County Party Officers shall be by the secret ballot system Election Runner, except in the case where only one candidate is nominated for office, in which case balloting shall be suspended and the candidate(s) elected by voice vote or acclamation.

b. The Chair shall appoint a Chairman of the Teller Committee to serve as Chief Teller, and such other members of a Teller Committee, who shall keep the reports from the Election Runner system.

c. Any ballot which has more than the authorized number of votes for eligible candidates will be voided in its entirety.

d. Any votes cast for ineligible candidates or candidates not properly nominated shall not be counted or reported.

e. Any other votes at the Central Committee Meeting, except as otherwise provided for in these rules, shall be by voice vote, rising vote, show of hands, or written ballot, at the discretion of the Chair.

6. UNIT RULE, CUMULATIVE, PROPORTIONAL VOTING PROHIBITED. Unit rule, cumulative voting, or proportional voting is not permitted.

7. ABSENTEE OR PROXY VOTING PROHIBITED. Absentee or proxy voting at the Organizational Meeting shall not be permitted.

8. NUMBER OF VOTES PER VOTING MEMBER. Except in the election 2nd, 3rd, 4th Vice Chairman, each voting member shall be entitled to one (1) vote on any question, and multiple offices shall not entitle any member to more than one (1) vote. In the election of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Vice Chairman, each voting member shall be entitled to cast up to 3 votes, but no more than one vote for one individual candidate.

9. CREDENTIALS AND QUORUM. The online meeting link shall be made available and opened at 12:00 p.m., so that members may prepare to join the meeting and be credentialed. Credentials shall close at 1:00p.m at the start of the meeting. Late credentials shall not be allowed. The quorum shall consist of the properly credentialed members listed in the Credentials report present and voting.

10. RESOLUTIONS. Resolutions concerning matters of public policy, legislation, or the platform of the Republican Party are not permitted at this Organizational Meeting, and any resolution concerning matters not germane to the business of this Organization Meeting shall not be allowed.

11. PARLIAMENTARY RULES. The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern in any case not covered by applicable Colorado statutes, the State Party Emergency Bylaws, the Governor Executive Orders, the Bylaws of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, the Bylaws or Rules of the County Republican Central Committee, or these Rules.

12. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The following Agenda shall constitute the orders of the day, except that the Chair may at any time may recognize any person, elected official, party official, or candidate to address the Committee, and the Chair may exercise discretion to modify the order of business in order to facilitate the efficient and orderly conduct of the business of the Organizational Meeting.


The Order of Business of the Organizational Meeting shall be as follows:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Reading of the Call; Roll Call

4. Appointments by the Chair, including Committee Appointments

5. Recognition/Introduction of elected officials, Party officials

6. Report of the Credentials Committee

7. Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business

8. Practice “Election Runner” Ballot

9. Ratification of Vacancy Committees

10. Appointment of District Captains

11. Election of Officers of the County Republican Central Committee

12. Announcements

13. Adjourn


Eagle County Republicans is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Eagle County Organizational Meeting

Time: Feb 13, 2021 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 889 6017 3862

Passcode: 557206

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Meeting ID: 889 6017 3862

Passcode: 557206

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbfrDZg6gZ

Kaye Ferry, Chairman

Eagle County Republican Central Committee