Response to David Williams

Once again David Williams rants from his own distorted viewpoint and makes accusations that are without foundation. And his conspiracy theories about Republican intervention in the local school board races would be laughable if not dangerous.

But let me first clarify something. I wrote for the Daily for almost 8 years. Never once in all of that time did I respond to a naysayer. My attitude has always been that the angry people of the world will stay angry regardless of any rebuttal because in general, they don’t want to be confused by the facts. But this time, he crossed a line, many in fact.

As chair of Eagle County Republicans, I can say unequivocally that we have had zero involvement in these races. And I dare him to prove otherwise. He also had the nerve to imply national and Colorado Republican Party intervention. As a member of the Colorado Republican Executive committee, once again, the answer is to prove the intervention because there is none. But Mr. Williams has never cared about the. facts It is not the Republican party that has flooded the newspaper with ads or banner wraps online.

No, that is the Dems with the outside help from the unions and who knows who else. We have stayed hands-off because that’s how we believe these races should be run.

You have seen no “slate” advertising from the Republicans. All of the Republican candidates are running on their own merits. That’s why these races were set up to be non-partisan. THAT’S WHAT NON-PARTISAN MEANS.

So let’s go point by point.

He refers to the “opposition” as a “unhinged minority”. Me thinketh he doeth protest too much. I believe in psychological terms it is called transference. Does he actually believe that as citizens we are not allowed to question authority especially when it flys in the face of facts? I thought that was what American was founded on.

And “the opposition” talked “in code” about the necessity of teaching the basics of education—the 3 Rs. Oh no. According to him, that’s some kind of a secret message to foster “anti-immigrant racism”. Really? I thought that would represent a means to foster a system that actually taught the tools these students would need to succeed in this country. So far Eagle County schools are deficient in these skills as evident by our ratings.

But for those of you who have not followed the Health Survey fiasco, wow. Is it really “sexual exploitation” to reject the intrusive nature of the questions posed to our children? Is it really appropriate to ask a 10-year-old if he/she/they /them are transgender? That is an actual Q on the survey. Or how about Q #24 “Have you ever forced someone to have sex with you when you knew they did not want to?”

God help us if we have devolved to such a level of morality to think that is acceptable information to be requested of 6th graders. And he calls that “sexual exploitation”? To resist that intrusion? I would venture to say it is quite the opposite. To NOT question it is to be complicit in exploitation of the highest order.

No, David failed at making his case. His anger has been part of his history but it will never be a sufficient excuse to pretend that his histrionics have any validity. Shame on him for making demeaning accusations against people that he does not know has not interviewed, has nothing in common with but feels the need to demonize because they do not share his distorted assessment of the world around us. Add to that, the rambling nature of his commentary leaves one to wonder about his ability to think in logical sequence and therefore reach logical conclusions.

He pointed out what he feels are the cause of the problems in the world. I would suggest that the uninformed vitriol he spewed is definitely what’s wrong with the world. In my experience, people who resort to sweeping generalizations do so because they are too lazy or incapable of researching the facts.

He has my deepest sympathy for having to live in such a negative place while diminishing those that are trying to have a positive impact on a broken system.

—Kaye Ferry
Chair of the Eagle County Republican Central Committee


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