In accordance with the election laws of the State of Colorado and the governing bylaws and rules of the Colorado Republican Party, the organizational meeting for the Eagle County Republican Central Committee shall be held on the following date and location, beginning at the time indicated:
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Location: electronically - details to follow*
Voting: electronically via Election Runner - details to follow*
Check-in begins at 12:00pm - no check in allowed after 1:00pm
Meeting begins promptly at 1:00pm
The principal purposes of the organizational meeting will be:
To elect a Chairman, 1st Vice-Chairman, 2nd Vice-Chairman, 3rd Vice-Chairman, 4th Vice-Chairman, 5th Vice Chairman, and Secretary, as officers of the Eagle County Republican Central Committee
To appoint District Captains
To ratify the Vacancy Committee per ECR bylaws
To conduct all other business that may properly come before the Eagle County Republican Central Committee.
*If you are unable to attend the meeting via zoom or vote electronically for technical reasons, please contact Jennifer Woolley at or (970)445-7456.
Dated and respectfully submitted the 3rd of February 2021.
Kaye Ferry, Chairman
Eagle County Republican Central Committee